Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Non-Breakfast Breakfast

I'm proud to announce that, I was and still am the 'Carmen' that Marcus writes about in this specific blog post. Here is a part of the post and the link to his blog.

how anyone named carmen can have a “naïve hick life” eludes me. but she says, “my exotic name? it’s random, just like me.” whatever - just shut up, bitch, and roll over.

ok - i actually thought when she contacted me from 1300 miles away, and said that she wanted to meet, that we would probably have a good time messing around - but i didn't expect the OTHER side. i didn’t expect that she would be so sweet. or so interesting. or have such sexy hair. or be so much fun to hang out with.

so i can’t objectify her, really. wait a second. sure, i can. anyway, here’s her take on our time together. i’ll let her tell it. girl’s got an interesting writing voice...

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