Friday, August 29, 2008

No Patience Whatsoever

I don't intend this blog to be a blog about romance. Well, I guess that could fall into the etc. part of this particular blog.

Those of you who know me that I have this friend who lives halfway across the country. We met in 2005 on craigslist when I was at this way boring internship in my hometown. We talked for a few months mainly through email and then we drifted apart. Then last October or the later part of September, he shows up on my instant messenger. We got to know each other again. He's a sweet guy with the greatest sense of humor.

It's just one of those things where you hope you'll get together but the chances of that happening aren't likely. That's what's driving me crazy. Yes, I know that patience makes the heart grow fonder. But, I just can't stand it. I have no patience.

Maybe this is what those teenagers go through. I for one never was boy crazy. As you know, boys aren't that special around here, so there weren't many to choose from. I just focused on other things like school. I'm not a nerd or anything although I did win top senior in the acedemic bowl. :-D

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